What I learned from implementing Combinators in 3 Elixir patterns

Recently, I used composition extensively in an Elixir project.
This project changed how I write functions and how I understand data structures from now on.
Now I see functions and data structures as contracts,
we can compose small contracts into a larger contract (compose functions),
and we can also encapsulate the internal of our data structures behind contracts.
This post is the summary of this kind of contract-centric thinking.

The project requirements

The functional requirement of this project is quite simple:

  1. Move some large files from storage server A to storage server B.
  2. Insert db records for files on storage server B by duplicating db records for files on storage server A

But the non-functional requirements are complex enough so we need a clever solution:

  1. Since the files are quite large, we have different methods to move them to the new server.
    But each of them has different pros and cons.
    We need to run experiments to pick the most cost-effective one.
  2. Again, since the files are large, it's easy to corrupt data when moving them through network.
    We need to compare the new files with the old files with checksums like md5.
  3. We need to insert records into more than one database.
    It's important for these insertions to be an atomic operation.
    (i.e. when one insertion failed, the other insertions need to be rolled-back.)

Data Mover Combinator

Inspired by parser combinator, I came up with the following Data Mover Combinator solution.

def run do
    FileMover.new() |> CompareAfterwardsMover.new(MD5Comparator.new()),
  |> SequenceMover.new()
  |> RepoTransactionalMover.new(Repo1)
  |> RepoTransactionalMover.new(Repo2)
  |> Mover.run(source, destination)

All the new functions are chained together to build a mover.
Then the Mover.run/3 receives this mover, with the source map and destination map so the real work begins.
Mover.run/3 would return either :ok when the move succeeded, or {:error, reason} when the move failed.

Here are what each Mover module does:

returns a mover that moves files from source to destination
receives an actual_mover and a comparator,
returns a mover that calls comparator to diff the data in source and destination if actual_mover returns :ok, making sure that the data on both ends match.
returns a mover that inserts records to Repo1 for destination based on records for source.
returns a mover that inserts records to Repo2 for destination based on records for source.
receives a list of mover's, returns a mover that calls each of these mover's in sequence.
receives an actual_mover and an Ecto repo module,
returns a mover that wraps the call to actual_mover inside a repo.transaction/2.

How to implement Combinators?

Now you may be wondering, how to implement the Mover.run/3 function with all these small Mover modules?
The simplest way is to return anonymous functions from these new functions.
The "concrete" movers are quite simple:
they just return an anonymous function that receives a source map and a destination map, then move the data from source to destination.
(and the data to be moved can be objects, files, or database records.)

defmodule FileMover do
  def new() do
    fn source, destination ->
      # move files from source to destination ...

What about the "abstract" movers that wraps around another mover?
Let's use CompareAfterwardsMover as an example:

defmodule CompareAfterwardsMover do
  def new(actual_mover, comparator) do
    fn source, destination ->
      with :ok <- Mover.run(actual_mover, source, destination),
           :same <- Comparator.run(comparator, source, destination) do
        :different -> {:error, :new_files_are_different}

Note here the actual_mover is passed to Mover.run/3 to get called.
And the Comparator modules is also a Combinator module just like Mover.
Following the same pattern, we can implement RepoTransactionalMover, SequenceMover in a similar way:
Inside the anonymous functions they return, the mover to be wrapper would be passed to Mover.run/3 to do the real work.
And the "abstract" movers are just adding an extra non-functional layer upon it.

Finally, our Mover.run/3 function receives the anonymous function as mover, along side source and destination.
Then Mover.run/3 just delegates the work to mover by applying this anonymous function:

defmodule Mover do
  def run(mover, source, destination) do
    mover.(source, destination)

The power of Combinators

From the examples above, we can see the power of this Combinator pattern:
By decomposing the work into smaller parts like CompareAfterwardsMover,
we composed a complex mover from a bunch of small and isolated mover's.
This process feels just like building Lego blocks.

With these tiny blocks, our Data Mover Combinator pattern meets our non-functional requirements perfectly:

  1. We can easily switch between different methods to move files
    by implementing another AlternativeFileMover module and plugging this module in.
    If we want, we can easily implement a SplitterMover to randomly pick a method so we can compare different methods.
  2. The comparator's are completely isolated from mover's.
    If I were writing this code before in a more procedural style, I would probably nest the comparing logic with the moving logic.
    This kind of nesting might make changing one of them harder since the other might be affected by the change.
  3. Non-functional requirements like transactional operations can be encapsulated in separated mover's.
    So we can reuse this kind of non-functional logic easily,
    just like what we did with RepoTransactionalMover.

So what's making these Data Mover Combinators so powerful?
I think the main factor is that
these tiny blocks are completely isolated from each other, yet composable so we can build an extremely powerful data moving machine.

Because each mover only needs to concern its own responsibilities, it can be very small and cohesive.
This isolation also brings us a nice side-effect: testability.
We can easily test the "concrete" mover's like FileMover since it's completely focusing on moving files.
We can also easily test the "abstract" mover's like CompareAfterwardsMover, or RepoTransactionalMover.
  • CompareAfterwardsMoverTest

    defmodule CompareAfterwardsMoverTest do
      use ExUnit.Case, async: true
      test "returns :ok when both mover and comparator returns :ok"
      test "returns {:error, :new_files_are_different} when comparator returns :different"
  • RepoTransactionalMoverTest

    defmodule RepoTransactionalMoverTest do
      use TestSupport.DataCase, async: true
      test "returns result from actual_mover"
      test "reverts changes to repo when actual_mover returns an {:error, reason}"
      test "reverts changes to repo when actual_mover raises an exception"
      test "reverts changes to repo when actual_mover throws an error"
      test "reverts changes to multiple repos when transactions are nested"
      test "raises serialization_failure error when races with another SERIALIZABLE transaction"
Composable (The Closure Property)

Mover's share the same API Mover.run/3.
So no matter it's a simple concrete mover like FileMover, or a complex composed mover like SequenceMover, as long as it can be accepted by Mover.run/3, it's a valid mover.
With this feature, the "depth" of Mover.run/3 is now dynamic:

  • It can be infinitely deep (i.e. moves a lot of data behind the scenes) like what we do on production.
  • It can also be extremely shallow (i.e. just return :ok) when we test an "abstract" mover, or try to understand a part of the system.

In another word, each mover can stay relatively simple, yet the whole system can be easily composed from these simple parts.

Most importantly, the final mover on production is built from ground up, layer by layer.
We can easily change the topology of these layers, to adjust the final behaviour with minimum changes.
For example, let's say the FileMover would take too much time to run.
We definitely don't want to wrap this step in repo transactions.
We can just change how we build the final mover to achieve this:

def run do
    FileMover.new() |> CompareAfterwardsMover.new(MD5Comparator.new()),
    # Only wrap the following 2 steps in RepoTransactionalMover
    |> SequenceMover.new()
    |> RepoTransactionalMover.new(Repo1)
    |> RepoTransactionalMover.new(Repo2)
  |> SequenceMover.new()
  |> Mover.run(source, destination)

What is function composition?

After finished this work, I started thinking:
What makes function composition possible?
Or what is function composition?

Before answering this question, we need to see what is a function.
From my perspective, a function is a contract which specifies:

A function can only accept a range of inputs.
Pure functions don't have any side-effect.
Impure functions would produce side-effects based on the inputs.
Pure functions would return outputs determined by the inputs.
Impure functions would return outputs depending on the inputs and the results of the side effects.

But what if we switch to function caller's perspective?
From the function caller's perspective, inputs and outputs are what matter the most.
For each effect, the caller function can only guess its result based on the outputs.
For example, the caller assumes the effect finished if the return value is :ok,
or the effect failed if the return value is an :error tuple.
In this sense, the contract between caller and callee only contains the inputs and the outputs.

So, as long as we keep the inputs contract and the outputs contract compatible, we can add as many effects contracts as we want.
And this is what "function composition" means to me:
composing small contracts into a larger contract.

2 alternative ways to implement Data Mover Combinator

Interestingly, I tried 3 different implementations for these Data Mover Combinator's:

  1. Anonymous Function (see the example above)
  2. Behaviour
  3. Protocol

Note these 3 implementations all share the same CompareAfterwardsMover.new/2 and Mover.run/3 APIs.


Actually I first started implementing "concrete" movers with Behaviour modules.
Because the callback function run(source, destination) was so obvious.
But with "abstract" movers like CompareAfterwardsMover, we need a more complex data structure:

defmodule CompareAfterwardsMover do
  def new(actual_mover, comparator) do
    [__MODULE__, actual_mover: actual_mover, comparator: comparator]

  @impl Mover
  def run(source, destination, [actual_mover: actual_mover, comparator: comparator]) do
    with :ok <- Mover.run(actual_mover, source, destination),
         :same <- Comparator.run(comparator, source, destination) do
      :different -> {:error, :new_files_are_different}

defmodule Mover do
  @callback run(source(), destination(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}

  def run([mod | opts], source, destination) do
    mod.run(source, destination, opts)
  • Pros
    • The contract is explicitly defined via the run/4 callback.
    • We can use Mox to define mocks.
    • We can do some meta analysis in Mover.run/3:

      defmodule Mover do
        def run([mod | opts], source, destination) do
          Logger.info("start mover #{mod}")
          # analyze how much time each mover takes with :time.tc ...
          mod.run(source, destination, opts)
  • Cons
    • The callback run/4 needs an extra argument opts so that we can build a mover dynamically.
    • As you may see below, Behaviour is less flexible than Anonymous Function.
      Because a valid mover always needs to be a module.

Anonymous Function

I thought the Behaviour solution was a hack (attaching opts to a mod), and this hack required us to add an extra opts argument to our run callback function.
So I refactored the code to returned the anonymous functions just like above.
But the anonymous functions also have their Pros and Cons.

  • Pros
    • Extremely flexible:
      CompareAfterwardsMover can be a module (with function new/2),
      but it can also be just a function Mover.compare_afterwards/2.
    • We can create mocks simply by defining an anonymous function in our test:

      fn :source, :destination -> :ok end
  • Cons
    • The contract is implicitly defined as a convention.
      Meaning: the compiler won't help us detect an API violation if we decide to change the inputs/outputs convention
      (e.g. from (source, destination -> :ok | {:error | any()}) to (source, destination -> {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}))
      This may cause some trouble in the long term.
    • Dialyzer cannot analyze anonymous functions deeply.
    • We cannot attach extra info in the anonymous functions.
      If we want to log when a mover gets called and its arguments, we may need to refactor to a data structure like the one with the callback modules (e.g. [fun, mover_name, opts]),
      which would take away much of the flexibility.


Finally, I was inspired by this great talk1 by Quinn Wilton: Atlas Flexible Software Composition using Protocols
I experimented with using Protocol to implement the Combinator pattern:

defmodule CompareAfterwardsMover do
  defstruct [:actual_mover, :comparator]

  def new(actual_mover, comparator) do
    %__MODULE__{actual_mover: actual_mover, comparator: comparator}

  defimpl MoverAlike do
    def run(%__MODULE__{actual_mover: actual_mover, comparator: comparator}, source, destination) do
      with :ok <- Mover.run(actual_mover, source, destination),
           :same <- Comparator.run(comparator, source, destination) do
        :different -> {:error, :new_files_are_different}

defprotocol MoverAlike do
  def run(mover, source, destination)

defmodule Mover do
  defdelegate run(mover, source, destination), to: MoverAlike
  • Pros
    • The contract is defined explicitly via a Protocol.
    • Unlike Behaviour's, we don't need an extra argument opts to store dynamic config.
      We can put these dynamic configs in the struct naturally.
    • We can also run meta analysis in Mover.run/3.
  • Cons

What is data?

Before I finished the Protocol implementation, I realized these different implementations really didn't matter.
As long as we keep the same XXXMover.new and Mover.run/3 API, we can choose whatever implementation I like.
These implementations can even co-exist!

defmodule Mover do
  @callback run(t(), source(), destination(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}

  def run(mover, source, destination) when is_function(mover) do
    mover.(source, destination)

  def run([mod | opts], source, destination) do
    mod.run(source, destination, opts)

  def run(mover, source, destination) when is_struct(mover) do
    MoverProtocol.run(mover, source, destination)

I started wondering:
What have I done right this time?
And what is a mover data structure anyway?

Luckily, I was reading Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) again, and I found the answer:

What Is Meant by Data?

In general, we can think of data as
defined by some collection of selectors and constructors,
together with specified conditions that these procedures must fulfill in order to be a valid representation.

The selectors, constructors, specified conditions are all functions.
And each function is just a contract.
So, data is a bundle of different contracts!

As long as we can construct a CompareAfterwardsMover with CompareAfterwardsMover.new/2,
and it can be accepted by Mover.run/3 to meet its contract,
the caller doesn't care about whether a CompareAfterwardsMover is a data structure around a callback module, or an anonymous function, or a struct.
So we can choose the one that suits our use case the most, and build upon that.
Or we can choose multiple implementations for different use case, to combine their advantages together in our apps.
We have infinite choices for how to build Data Mover Combinator's, as many as what we can achieve with Data Mover Combinator's.


In this post, we examined a way to compose a complex data mover from several small data mover's.
The complex data mover is like a large contract, which is composed by these smaller contracts with the same inputs and outputs.
The larger contract's effects are the sum of the smaller contracts' effects.
And finally, we can see that a data structure is also a bundle of contracts.
We can build a data structure in whatever way we want, as long as it can meet the contracts.



Actually, I was inspired by this tweet before the talk came out