Learning = Being Inconsistent Consistently

I believe the whole purpose of life is to learn. Then what is learning? I've read many articles about the topic of learning. And it seems that they all point to the same direction: learning means to have a growth mindset, which means to be inconsistent consistently.

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

The term "growth mindset" and "fixed mindset" came from the researches done by Carol Dweck: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

  • The Effective Enginner - Adopt a Growth Mindset

    • How we view our own effectiveness impacts how much effort we invest in improving it
    • Two mindsets
      Fixed mindset
      human qualities are carved in stone
      Growth mindset
      human can cultivate and grieve their intelligence and skills through effort

Being Inconsistent

A growth mindset means that through effort, we can improve and become a better version of ourselves.

The definition of "improve": make or become better. This means we need to be inconsistent with our past selves.

How to Adopt a Growth Mindset

If you think it's definitely possible to change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, then you are already thinking in a growth mindset.

To do that, we just need to recognize when we are thinking in a fixed mindset, and rephrase the situation with a growth mindset.

  • Effective Learning Strategies for Programmers - Allison Kaptur

    • Does anyone believe in a fixed mindset?
      • 10x engineers
      • Hero worship
    • Can you change a fixed mindset? Heck yes
    • How do you identify a fixed mindset?
      • “I am ..”
      • “Some people are just …”
    • How do you change a fixed mindset?
      • Reframe praise & success
        • when you get the wrong kind of compliments, turn them into growth-​mindset compliments.
        • “wow, great job on that project, you’re so smart,” translate it to “yeah, it was great, I worked really hard on that project
        • “Of course that went well because I’m awesome.” Instead think, “I used an effective strategy on that project! I should do that more often”
      • Reframe failure
        • If you’re saying, “Maybe I’m not cut out for this job after all,” treat that as a red flag.
        • Instead, ask what you learned from your unsuccessful attempt or what strategies you could have used instead
      • Celebrate challenges
      • Ask about processes
        • Sometimes, I’ll try to fix a tricky bug and won’t be able to, and then one of them will be able to fix it right away.
        • In these situations I’ve tried to be really disciplined about asking how they did it.
        • This is a much more useful strategy in the long term than saying “Oh, of course, that person got the bug because they are a wizard.