Use :var in code blocks

In this semester, I have a lab about simulating a 8 bit CPU. I need to do it from scratch. And I have some tables about the instructions. I want to extract some info out of it to form my instruction define file.


Here is the table:

#+NAME: OperationDefinations
| 编号 | 汇编码            | 指令码                 |
|    1 | ~MOV  Ai, #data8~ | ~00000iii dddddddd~    |
|    2 | ~MOV  Ai, @Aj~    | ~00001iii 00000jjj~    |
|    3 | ~MOV  @Aj, Ai~    | ~00010iii 00000jjj~    |
|    4 | ~ADD  Ai, Aj~     | ~00011iii 00000jjj~    |
|    5 | ~SUB  Ai, Aj~     | ~00100iii 00000jjj~    |
|    6 | ~LD   Ai, addr~   | ~00101iii addrh addrl~ |
|    7 | ~ST   Ai, addr~   | ~00110iii addrh addrl~ |
|    8 | ~JMP  addr~       | ~00111000 addrh addrl~ |
|    9 | ~JC   rel8~       | ~01000000 rel8~        |
|   10 | ~BNKB rel8~       | ~01001000 rel8~        |
|   11 | ~BNPB rel8~       | ~01010000 rel8~        |
|   12 | ~JNKB addr~       | ~01011000 addrh addrl~ |
|   13 | ~JNPB addr~       | ~01100000 addrh addrl~ |
|   14 | ~SBC  Ai, #data8~ | ~01101iii dddddddd~    |
|   15 | ~XOR  Ai, addr~   | ~01110iii addrh addrl~ |
|   16 | ~DEC  @Ai~        | ~01111iii~             |
|   17 | ~ASR  Ai~         | ~10000iii~             |
|   18 | ~CALL addr~       | ~10001000 addrh addrl~ |
|   19 | ~RET~             | ~10010000~             |
#+TBLFM: $1=@#-1


And I need to get something like this:

Ai, #data8


Here is how I do this using Python and :var

(The codes are a little bit ugly. But it's working.)

  • def generator

    #+BEGIN_SRC python :results none :var operations=OperationDefinations[1:-1,1] :var instructions=OperationDefinations[1:-1,-1]
        def replace_tilde(l):
            return [s.replace("~", "") for s in l]
        def correct(ins):
            if "addr" in ins:
                return "a" * 8
            if "rel8" in ins:
                return "r" * 8
            return ins
        operations = replace_tilde(operations)
        instructions = replace_tilde(instructions)
        with open("CPU8bit.def", "w") as f:
          for operation, instruction in zip(operations, instructions):
              operation = operation.split()
              operation_name = '-' + operation[0]
              operators = ' '.join(operation[1:])
              f.write(operation_name + '\n')
              f.write(operators + '\n')
              for ins in instruction.split():
                  f.write(correct(ins) + '\n')
          f.write("-enddef" + '\n')

As we can see here, I'm using the :var option for code blocks to get the data from that table.

  1. First, add a name for the data source, no mater it's a table, list or even another code block.
  2. Then, use :var to assign these data or some of them to a variable.
  3. Use the variable in the script.


  • We can specify a range for the data we want.
    [1, 1]
    Second row, second column
    Second row to last row, last column
    Sixth row to last row, second column to last column
  • The data may be casted into different classes. (str or int)
