How to do Outside-In TDD with Phoenix
As an Outside-In style TDD (Mockist-style TDD, London-school TDD, whatever you call it) advocate, I started learning Phoenix with this question in mind: How to do Outside-In TDD in a Phoenix App?
I thought there would be enough resources about this in the Phoenix world. Because Elixir/Phoenix is pure functional compare to Ruby/Rails, the basic building blocks (Plugs) are just functions, which would be super easy to unit test. Though there were some blog posts demonstrating how to mock Context in Controller test using Mox, there were almost no resources teaching how to unit test a Phoenix controller.
This post's main purpose is to fill the gap on unit testing a controller action and explain the full TDD cycle, you can find tons of resources on the other details.
After several attempts in the past 6 months or so, I think I've gained enough experiences to answer this question now, and I'm super excited to share this workflow with you.
5 Steps to Outside-In a new feature
Here are the basic summary of this workflow.
I try to follow the testing philosophy from the book Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests.
- Write a feature test
- Write unit tests for your new controller action
- Write unit tests for your context functions
- Write unit tests for your view rendering
- Add the routing rule to connect everything together and pass the feature test
I would not talk about why I'd like to follow this complicated workflow in this blog post. I'll just focus on the "How" part and hope you would find it useful anyway.
Write a feature test
There are several different options to write a feature test in the Phoenix world, depends on the app you are writing:
Option | Scenario |
Browser Test | Front-end (JS) heavy application |
phoenix_integration | Server-side rendered application |
Phoenix.ConnTest | JSON API |
We use feature tests to demonstrate to our client that a feature is completed as they requested, instead of driving our design decisions.
Browser Test
Browser test would fire up a browser for every test cases you write, and follow the test script you write to navigate through it, then listen to certain DOM events.
It's the most end-to-end test within all the test methods mentioned in this post (which means it's the slowest as well). It can even test your app's front-end behaviour.
There are two popular browser test libraries for Phoenix web development:
I personally prefer wallaby because it provides a nice API that allows developers to easily chain browser actions and assertions using Pipe.
For a great example on how to write a browser test like a user story, definitely check out tilex/developer_edits_post_test.exs. It's the best feature test I've ever seen and I wish every web developer can write feature tests like this.
phoenix_integration is a lightweight server side integration test (feature test) library for Phoenix.
IMHO, it's suitable when your app doesn't have any front-end logic and you don't want to waste your develop/test time on the browser testing.
Though I think this library does have several drawbacks, like:
- It couples itself to Phoenix's view helpers too much.
- It doesn't provide enough APIs to interact with the HTML responses.
I think the best option to fill this gap is to add a browser driver which doesn't have a JS runtime to the browser test libraries I mentioned before. (like what Capybara's default driver RackTest1 does)
Or we can just choose the Browser Test way for server side rendering applications. Since Phoenix supports concurrent database accesses in the testing environment by default, it won't slow down your test suit much.
For a JSON API endpoint, the default Phoenix.ConnTest
is integrated
enough to cover the full request cycle.
It still would be better to separate these ConnTests from the unit
ConnTests, like setting up a /test/features
directory to save these
feature test files.
Here is an example for a simple POST
describe "POST /teams" do test "authorized user can creates teams" do user = insert(:user) conn = build_conn |> login_with(user) |> post("/teams", name: "New Team") assert %{ "data" => %{ "id" => _id, "name" => "New Team" } } = json_response(conn, 201) end end
Unit test a controller action
Everything in Elixir/Phoenix is a function, including a Controller
action. Controller actions are just some functions that receive a
struct with the parameters parsed by Phoenix framework,
and return a Plug.Conn
Controller Responsibility
To understand how to unit test a controller action, we need to figure out what is the responsibility of a controller.
IMHO, I think a controller is the glue between the request, our business logic (Context), and our presenting logic (View).
Put this in another way, our controller needs to do following stuffs correctly:
- Parse the parameters from the request
- Pass the correct parameters to a Context module (via function
calls), and
- Ask Context to give back the data our user needs to see
- Ask Context to update some user states
- Repeat 2 until it has all the data it needs to build the response for the client
- Set the HTTP status code
- Pass all the data the client needs, and ask the View module to
render it (via
) - If something bad happens, this function can choose to return some
data structures that's not a
struct, so that the Fallback Controller can kick in and take care the rest.2
Now we can clearly see what we need to test our controller as a unit:
- The correct Context function got called
it when Controller is just asking for dataexpect
it when Controller wants to change some states
- The correct HTTP status code were set (given certain Context results)
- The correct View got rendered with correct assigns (given certain Context results)
The correct data structure got returned (given certain Context results)
We need to cover these error cases in our controller unit tests, because we don't want to duplicate our tests for these common error cases that are handled by our Fallback Controller.
In this way, we only need to cover these cases once in our Fallback Controller tests, and our normal Controller can return correct data structures. And leave everything else to our framework.
Inject Context dependencies with Mox
All these 4 cases depend on one setup: mocking our Context module.
We choose Mox3 to do that because it can ensure us won't break the syntax contracts between our Controller and our Context.
Here is a simple example how I do it:
defmodule MyApp.Teams do use MyApp, :context defmodule Behaviour do @callback get_team(id :: integer()) :: Team.t() @callback create_team(params :: map()) :: %{:ok, Team.t()} | %{:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} end @behaviour __MODULE__.Behaviour @behaviour Bodyguard.Policy end
Mox.defmock(MyApp.TeamsMock, for: [MyApp.Teams.Behaviour, Bodyguard.Policy])
defmodule MyAppWeb.TeamController do use MyAppWeb, :controller def create(conn, params, teams_mod \\ MyApp.Teams) do user = conn.assigns.current_user with :ok <- Bodyguard.permit(teams_mod, :create_team, user, %{}), {:ok, team} <- teams_mod.create_team(params) do render(conn, "create.json", %{team: team}) else {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset} -> ... {:error, :unauthorized} -> {:error, :unauthorized} end end end
defmodule MyAppWeb.TeamControllerTest do import Mox alias MyAppWeb.TeamController alias MyApp.TeamsMock describe "create/3" do test "calls teams_mod.create_team/1" do # 1. Arrange user = build(:user) conn = build_conn() |> assign(:current_user, user) stub(TeamsMock, :authorize, fn :create_team, ^user, %{} -> true end) expect(TeamsMock, :create_team, fn %{"name" => "Test Team"} -> {:ok, %{}} end) # 2. Act TeamController.create(conn, %{"name" => "Test Team"}, TeamsMock) # 3. Assert verify!(TeamsMock) end test "sets status to 201 after teams_mod.create_team/1 returns :ok" do # 1. Arrange user = build(:user) conn = build_conn() |> assign(:current_user, user) stub(TeamsMock, :authorize, fn :create_team, ^user, %{} -> true end) stub(TeamsMock, :create_team, fn %{"name" => "Test Team"} -> {:ok, %{}} end) # 2. Act conn = TeamController.create(conn, %{"name" => "Test Team"}, TeamsMock) # 3. Assert assert conn.status == 201 end test "renders view with correct template and assigns" do # I'll explain this in the next section end test "returns {:error, :unauthorized} when user is not authorized" do # 1. Arrange user = build(:user) conn = build_conn() |> assign(:current_user, user) stub(TeamsMock, :authorize, fn :create_team, ^user, %{} -> false end) # 2. Act result = TeamController.create(conn, %{"name" => "Test Team"}, TeamsMock) # 3. Assert assert result == {:error, :unauthorized} end end end
Set View to a ViewMock
I left out the trickiest test case in my last example: test render
I tried 3 different ways to test it and I now believe the best way is
to use put_view/2
to pass a mocked view and expect on that:
- Put a
defmodule MyAppWeb.ViewBehaviour do @callback render(template :: string, assign :: map) :: any end
Because Phoenix doesn't define a behaviour for our View module, we need to define it ourselves.
(I really wish Phoenix can define this behaviour for us.)
defmock(MyAppWeb.ViewMock, for: MyAppWeb.ViewBehaviour)
defmodule MyAppWeb.TeamControllerTest do import Mox import Phoenix.Controller, only: [put_view: 2, put_format: 2] alias MyAppWeb.TeamController alias MyAppWeb.ViewMock alias MyApp.TeamsMock describe "create/3" do ... test "renders view with correct template and assigns" do # 1. Arrange user = build(:user) conn = build_conn() |> assign(:current_user, user) |> put_view(ViewMock) stub(TeamsMock, :authorize, fn :create_team, ^user, %{} -> true end) stub(TeamsMock, :create_team, fn %{"name" => "Test Team"} -> {:ok, %{name: "Test Team"}} end) expect(ViewMock, :render, fn "create.json", %{team: %{name: "Test Team"}} end) # 2. Act conn |> put_format("json") |> TeamController.create(%{"name" => "Test Team"}, TeamsMock) # 3. Assert verify!(ViewMock) end ... end end
- Assert on
defmodule MyAppWeb.TeamControllerTest do import Mox import Phoenix.Controller, only: [put_view: 2, put_format: 2] alias MyAppWeb.TeamController alias MyAppWeb.ViewMock alias MyApp.TeamsMock describe "create/3" do ... test "renders view with correct template and assigns" do # 1. Arrange user = build(:user) conn = build_conn() |> assign(:current_user, user) stub(TeamsMock, :authorize, fn :create_team, ^user, %{} -> true end) stub(TeamsMock, :create_team, fn %{"name" => "Test Team"} -> {:ok, %{name: "Test Team"}} end) # 2. Act conn |> put_format("json") |> TeamController.create(%{"name" => "Test Team"}, TeamsMock) # 3. Assert assert %{ phoenix_view: MyAppWeb.TeamView, phoenix_template: "create.json" } = conn.private end ... end end
defmodule MyAppWeb.TeamController do use MyAppWeb, :controller def create(conn, params, teams_mod \\ MyApp.Teams) do # ... render(MyAppWeb.TeamView, conn, "create.json", %{team: team}) # ... end end
- Drawbacks
- Because we didn't call
on theconn
we passed into this function, we need to callPhoenix.Controller.render/3
with a View module explicitly. - We rely on the private fields (
) underPlug.Conn
struct, which might be broken during a Phoenix update in the future. - We called
on a real View module. If this View rendering logic depends on some complex assigns, we need to manage these complex setups in our controller unit tests.
- Because we didn't call
- Inject view as a dependency
- Similar to our contexts, we inject our view module to our controller functions.
- Drawbacks
- It seems to be an overkill, compared to
- It's a burden for a more classic Phoenix developer
- We still need to pass the
- It seems to be an overkill, compared to
Unit test a context function
After finishing the Controller part, we can apply the same methodology to our Context. You can find tons of code snippets about how to unit test it online.
The only problem I think is about to mock our Repo
module or not.
Since this post is getting too long, I decide to discuss this question in a future blog post.
Unit test a view rendering function
Unit testing the view becomes so much easier with our controller unit
tests. Because we don't need to test our view behaviour through
The View test would be super easy to setup and verify:
defmodule MyAppWeb.TeamViewTest do describe "render/2 show.json" do test "extracts id and name" do team = %Team{name: "Test Team", id: 23548} result = MyAppWeb.TeamView.render("show.json", %{team: team}) assert result == %{ data: %{ id: 23548, name: "Test Team" } } end end end
Connect the dots (add the routing rule)
Finally, we just need to add the routing rule to our router.ex
to route the POST /teams
endpoint to our TeamController.create/2
function, then we can pass the feature test and deliver this feature.
resources "/teams", TeamController, only: [:create]
I also thought about whether or not we need to test our router specifications. I guess I'll write another post discuss about it. (Spoiler alert: don't unit test your router)
Eliminate dependencies
As it's said in Test-Driven Development By Example by Kent Beck:
Dependency is the key problem in software development at all scales.
All I did above is to eliminate as many dependencies as possible from our Controller, Context, and View. I believe this is also the main purpose of the original MVC architecture, and organizing our code in this way would lead us to a more maintainable codebase.