- 和人合作的时候,尽可能做到自己能做到的最好
- 职业发展不是每一步都要踩在对的点上
- 速度不重要
- 「职位」是很虚的
- 哪怕每一步都去优化,也不一定能到达山顶
- 不如花时间去找自己真正想要的东西
- 所谓的「成功」有很多方面
-- from #62:人生,不是每一步都要找到「最优解」(Netflix 设计师唐黛 Sally) - UX Coffee 设计咖
- Connecting the Dots into the Future
- A new question mark implies having made the key cliff jump on two roller coasters:
- getting to know yourself
- getting to know the world
- Careers have probably never really functioned like 40-year-tunnels, they just seemed that way.
- When you think of your career as a tunnel, it causes an identity crisis in anyone who doesn’t feel sure of who exactly they are and who they’ll want to be decades from now—which is most sane people.
- When you think of your career as a tunnel, the stakes to make the right choice seem so high that it explodes the feeling of tyranny of choice.
- When you think of your career as a tunnel, you lose the courage to make a career switch, even when your soul is begging for it.
- Today’s career isn’t a tunnel, or a box, or an identity label—it’s a long series of science experiments.
- The Next Dot
- I think end-of-life regrets may simply be your authentic self thinking about the parts of your life you never got to live—the parts of you that someone else kicked down into your subconscious.
- My goal for the future isn’t to avoid mistakes, it’s for the mistakes I do make to be my own.
-- from How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) - Wait But Why
- 进复旦读大学
- 大一升大二的时候,没有选择计算机系,而是选择了微电子系这一看上去比较好就业的专业
- 大二在微电子系读的不开心,又转系、降级到计算机系
- 毕业后没有选择考研、出国留学或者进大公司工作,而是进小的创业公司写 Ruby, Elixir 这样的冷门语言
- 如果不是进复旦,就不会来到上海这么一个我比较喜欢的城市
- 如果不是选择微电子系,绕了一下弯,就不会遇到微电子系的学长回国创业,让我认识到计算机并不只是研究算法,还有软件开发这样有趣的事情
- 如果不是转系降级,也不会认识几个聊得来的「学弟」
- 如果不是选择小公司,也不能在自己喜欢的语言、工作上花时间,督促自己学习进步
毕业之后,也经历了很多职业上的选择,现在我的想法就像上面两个 quote 里提到的那样:
- 所谓的「成功」有很多方面
- 职业生涯,甚至人生,就像做产品一样,是一系列的「科学实验」,应该「走一步看一步」。以求不断平衡自己各个方面的需要。
- Picbreeder
- The stepping stones almost never resemble the final product
- You can only find things by not looking for them
- Re-breeding won't work
- Why? (Search) Deception
- Profound Implications
- The path to success is through not trying to succeed
- To achieve our highest goals we must be willing to abandon them
- It is in your interest that others do not follow the path you think is right
- They will lay the stepping stones for your greatest discoveries
- Serious Implications for Collaboration
- Without care, collaboration can lead to convergence/consensus
- Prunes out all the stepping stones
- Loss of diversity
- Most science funding decisions are made this way
- Mediocre washout effect
- Compromise for all, preference of none
- Search Processes without Objectives are Treasure Hunters
- No final objective
- They collect stepping stones
- not always solutions to particular problems
- but they have potentials/novelty
- They are divergent and thereby creative
- The Myth of The Objective is everywhere
- A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. 善行无辙迹 - 老子
-- from Kenneth Stanley: Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned: The Myth of the Objective