- 真正有才华的人,能够洞悉自己的缺陷
- 彼得定律:每个人都停留在自己不能胜任的位置
- 努力能决定你走多快,才华能决定你走多远
- 勤奋能让你过上体面的生活,成功完全要靠运气
-- from 硬影像 Episode 65: 陷入虚无主义泥潭:才华不够
- 努力只是成功的必要条件之一。
- 这种诉求其实就是一种只要使力只要拼命了就可以成功的心理诉求,
- 因为这类人基本上都是能力有限,不知道怎么提升自己的人,当他们看到只要拼命使力就可以成功的观点时,他们就会有共鸣,就会感到,不用学习那些晦涩难懂高级的知识,不用掌握和练习哪些高级技能,自己只需要在低级的事情上拼命和努力,加更多的班和干更多活,自己就会像电影中的那些小人物一样,总有一天会成功的……
- 不但符合那些低级管理者的利益诉求,同样符合那些能力不足不愿意学习和成长的人的诉求。因为,他们混淆了行动与进展,忙碌与多产,他们以为能靠蛮力可以弥补思维上的惰性,靠拼命可以弥补能力上的不足……
- 当一件事的难度超过一定程度的时候,那些聪明的人会找到更省力的方法,而能力上有问题的,还是在那使蛮力。
- 我的职业生涯的成长, 最根本的不是你有多努力,有多勤奋,而是你能搞定很多人搞不定的事!
- 而我失败的时候,总是因为我搞不定事,即便是加班拼命努力也无济于事!
- 再回想一下我以前在职场上的很多关键点,不是因为我加班了,而是因为在某些关键问题上,我跳出来解决了其它人都解决不了的问题
- 同样是一个简单的 for-loop 语句,有人写的就值 1 万元一行,而你写的则一文不值。关键不在于谁写的代码多,关键在于我们解决了什么样的问题。
- 无法通过努力工作改善我思维的不足
-- from “努力就会成功”
- People who were right a lot of the time were people who often changed their minds.
- The smartest people are
- constantly revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they’d already solved.
- open to new points of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and challenges to their own way of thinking.
- This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a well formed point of view, but it means you should consider your point of view as temporary.
- What trait signified someone who was wrong a lot of the time?
- Someone obsessed with details that only support one point of view.
- If someone can’t climb out of the details, and see the bigger picture from multiple angles, they’re often wrong most of the time.
-- from Some advice from Jeff Bezos – Signal v. Noise
- Leadership isn’t about avoiding every mistake in the book – that’s
- Rather, the best leaders are unendingly curious to know what their mistakes could be, and deeply rigorous about trying to spot them in advance the next time around.
-- from The 9 leadership mistakes you don't know you're making as a new manager - Know Your Team - Blog