Tag: Object-Oriented
- Imperative Shell around the Functional Core
- Clippings from Understanding the Four Rules of Simple Design
- Clippings from Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns
- 面向对象编程之我见
- Sandi Metz's Rules for OOP
- Ruby Tips from Ben Orenstein
- Review of Objects on Rails
- My Summary for Object-Oriented Programming
- My Review of Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby
- Isn't Class Violating Single Responsibility Principle By Definition?
- How to Write Elixiry Ruby - Result Object
- 没有 if,怎么写代码? - GDCR 2019
- 给小白解释「面向对象」(问答体)
- Book Review: Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns
- Book Review: 99 Bottles of OOP